
Arbitre dans des tribunaux internationaux d’investissements

Fouad Alghanim & Sons Co. for General Trading & Contracting, W.L.L. and Mr. Fouad Mohammed Thunyan Alghanim v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/38) (2014-2017)

Venezuela US, S.R.L. v. Venezuela (PCA Case No. 2013-3) (2016-present)

Theodoros Adamakopoulos et al. vs Republic of Cyprus (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/49) (2015-present)

Sun-Flower and others v. Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/17) (2017-2021)

Vodafone Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited v. India (2017-present)

Eutelsat S.A. v. Mexican United States (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/17/2) (2018-2021)

Rand Investments Ltd. and others v. Republic of Serbia (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/8) (2018-present)

Michael Anthony Lee-Chin v. The Dominican Republic (ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/3) (2018-present)

WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd & Channel Crossings Ltd v The Czech Republic (PCA Case No. 2016-12) (2018-present)

European Solar Farm A/S v. Spain (ICSID Case 18/45) (2019-present)

Amec Foster Wheeler USA Corporation, Process Consultants, Inc., and Joint Venture Foster Wheeler USA Corporation and Process Consultants, Inc. v. Republic of Colombia (ICSID No. ARB/19/34) (2020-present)

Raimundo J. Santamarta Devis v. República Bolivariana de Venezuela (CPA Case No. AA/780) (2020-present)

TRASTA Energy Ltd v. The State of Libya (PCA Case No.2020-09 (2021-present) 

Oded Besserglik et al. v. Government of Mozambique (2021-present)

Holcim Investments (Spain) S.L. c. República de Ecuador, Case PCA No. 2021-31 (2021-present)

Eiser Infrastructure Limited and Energia Solar Luxembourg S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/36) – Resubmission Proceeding (2021-present)

Opinions dissidentes publiquement disponibles

Case Theodoros Adamakopoulos, Ilektra Adamantidou, Vasileios Adamopoulos and others v. Republic of Cyprus, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/49, Decision on Jurisdiction, 7 February 2020, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK 

Case Michael Anthony Lee Chin v. Dominican Republic (ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/3), Partial Award on Jurisdiction, 15 July 2020, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK

Case Rand Investments Ltd. and others v. Republic of Serbia, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/8:
• Procedural Order No. 3 (Bifurcation) – 24 June 2019, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK
• Procedural Order No. 5 (Transparency) – 29 August 2019, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK
• Procedural Order No. 6 (Transparency) – 13 January 2020, Declaration available at LINK

Case Fouad Alghanim & Sons Co. for General Trading & Contracting, W.L.L. and Mr. Fouad Mohammed Thunyan Alghanim v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/38, Order on Application for the Grant of Provisional Measures, 24 November 2014, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK

Case Venezuela US, S.R.L. and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, In the Matter of an Arbitration Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Barbados and the Republic of Venezuela for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, PCA Case No. 2013-34, Interim Award on Jurisdiction (on the Respondent’s Objection to Jurisdiction Ratione Voluntatis), 26 July 2016, Dissenting Opinion available at LINK

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